Thursday, 14 July 2016

Sujai Shriram - How Travel Benefits Your Career

Sujai Shriram is a businessman and international traveler who enjoys exploring the world with his wife. Though the connection between travel and business is not immediately clear to all, those who delve into both, as Sujai Shriram does, are often rewarded with professional benefits.
The following are just some of the ways that traveling could boost your career potential:
Sujai Shriram

 Bigger Picture – When you travel to unfamiliar land, you’re forced to look at the bigger picture. Many travelers report realizing that their problems are relatively small in comparison to the world, and this reduces stress. Seeing the bigger picture can also make it easier to prioritize, focus and do your best work.

Perspective and Values – Traveling will expose you to new cultures and, as a result, it will teach you to appreciate other perspectives and values. For example, in some European countries, it is more common to talk to the strangers around you when you are on a bus than it is to idle on a cell phone. This can teach you to embrace other people and, as a result, network better with colleagues.

Meet New People – Whenever you’re away from home, you have the opportunity to meet new people. Not only does this help you make friends and view the world in a more positive light, but it helps you network. You never know when your international friends will become business partners.

As you travel, you will find small things that you enjoy about it and, hopefully, you will also see your professional standing benefit. In the end, though, dedicated travelers like Sujai Shriram typically adventure for personal pleasure over all else.